Shooting CG Photography - Christian Gafenesch - Photographe artistique - Alsace, France - Shooting, Portraits, Street Photography
Shooting CG Photography - Christian Gafenesch - Photographe artistique - Alsace, France - Shooting, Portraits, Street Photography


photographer's shop

Christian, Gafenesch, Christian Gafenesch, Photographe, Photographes, Alsace, Photographe Alsace, Photographes Alsace, Photo, Photos, Photographie, Photographies, Image, Images, Art, Arts, Artistique, Artistiques, Culture, Cultures, Culturel, Culturels, Shooting, Studio, Studios, Modèle, Modèles, Top, Tops, Plan, Plans, Portrait, Portraits, Regard, Regards, Oeil, Yeux, Peau, Peaux, Charme, Sensuel, Sensuels, Lingerie, Lingeries, Nu, Nus, Nue, Nues, Paysage, Paysages, Urbain, Urbains, Urbaine, Urbaines, Ville, Villes, Immeuble, Immeubles, Infrastructure, Infrastructures, Pont, Ponts, Rue, Rues, Ruelle, Ruelles, Chemin, Chemins, Nature, Forêt, Forêts, Arbre, Arbres, Nature, Natures, Nature morte, Natures mortes, Appareil, Appareils, Flash, Flashs, Panasonic, Lumix, GX9, Cellule, Cellules, Format, Formats, Argentique, Argentiques, Reflex, Reflexs, Hybride, Hybrides, Objectif, Objectifs, Leïca, Lentille, Lentilles, Vitesse, Ouverture, ISO, Automatique, Manuel, Manuelle, Mise au point, Mises au point, Autofocus, Flou, Flous, Net, Nets, Profondeur, Profondeurs, Champ, Champs, Lumière, Lumières, Ombre, Ombres, Noir, Noirs, Blanc, Blancs, Noir et blanc, Noirs et blancs, Monochrome, Monochrome, Couleur, Couleurs, Diffuseur, Diffuseurs, Eclairage, Eclairages, Lampe, Lampes, Ampoule, Ampoules, Fond, Fonds, Traiter, Traitement, Traitements, Développer, Développement, Développements, Retouche, Retouches, Photoshop, Lightroom, Pixelmator, gomme, gommes, pinceau, pinceaux, peindre, jpg, jpeg, heic, raw, psd, gif, png, composition, compositions, focus, contraste, contrastes, densité, densités, calque, calques, fusion, fusions, filtre, filtres, effet, effets, détourer, détourage, détourages, premier plan, premiers plans, arrière, arrières, devant devants, arrière plan, arrières plans, dégradé, dégradés, Portfolio, Portfolios, émotion, émotions, sens, sentiment, sentiments, contre-jour, Photographer, Photographers, Alsace, Photographer Alsace, Photographers Alsace, Photo, Photos, Photography, Photographs, Image, Images, Art, Arts, Artistic, Artistic, Culture, Cultures, Cultural, Cultural, Shooting, Studio , Studios, Model, Models, Top, Tops, Plan, Plans, Portrait, Portraits, Look, Looks, Eye, Eyes, Skin, Skins, Charm, Sensual, Sensual, Lingerie, Lingerie, Naked, Naked, Naked, Naked, Landscape , Landscapes, Urban, Urban, Urban, Urban, City, Cities, Building, Buildings, Infrastructure, Infrastructures, Bridge, Bridges, Street, Streets, Alley, Alleys, Path, Paths, Nature, Forest, Forests, Tree, Trees, Nature , Still lifes, Still lifes, Device, Devices, Flash, Flashes, Panasonic, Lumix, GX9, Cell, Cells, Format, Formats, Film, Film, Reflex, Reflexs, Hybrid, Hybrids, Lens, Lenses, Leïca, Lens , Lenses, Speed, Aperture, ISO, Auto, Manual, Manual, Focus, Focus s in focus, Autofocus, Blur, Blurs, Net, Nets, Depth, Depths, Field, Fields, Light, Lights, Shade, Shadows, Black, Blacks, White, Whites, Black and white, Blacks and whites, Monochrome, Monochrome, Color, Colors, Diffuser, Diffusers, Lighting, Lightings, Lamp, Lamps, Bulb, Bulbs, Background, Funds, Treat, Processing, Treatments, Develop, Development, Developments, Retouching, Retouching, Photoshop, Lightroom, Pixelmator, eraser, erasers, brush, brushes, paint, jpg, jpeg, heic, raw, psd, gif, png, composition, compositions, focus, contrast, contrasts, density, densities, layer, layers, blend, blends, filter, filters, effect, effects, clipping, clipping, clippings, foreground, foregrounds, back, backs, front fronts, background, backgrounds, gradient, gradients, Portfolio, Portfolios, emotion, emotions, sense, feeling, feelings, backlight, Fotograf, Fotografen, Elsass, Fotograf Elsass, Fotografen Elsass, Foto, Fotos, Fotografie, Fotografien, Bild, Bilder, Kunst, Kunst, Künstlerisch, Künstlerisch, Kultur, Kulturen, Kulturell, Kulturell, Schießen, Studio , Studios, Model, Models, Top, Tops, Plan, Pläne, Portrait, Portraits, Look, Aussehen, Auge, Augen, Haut, Skins, Charme, Sinnlich, Sinnlich, Unterwäsche, Unterwäsche, Nackt, Nackt, Nackt, Nackt, Landschaft , Landschaften, Städtisch, Städtisch, Städtisch, Städtisch, Stadt, Städte, Gebäude, Gebäude, Infrastruktur, Infrastrukturen, Brücke, Brücken, Straße, Straßen, Gasse, Gassen, Pfad, Pfade, Natur, Wald, Wälder, Baum, Bäume, Natur , Stilleben, Stilleben, Gerät, Geräte, Blitz, Blitze, Panasonic, Lumix, GX9, Zelle, Zellen, Format, Formate, Film, Film, Reflex, Reflexe, Hybrid, Hybride, Objektiv, Objektive, Leïca, Objektiv , Objektive , Geschwindigkeit, Blende, ISO, Auto, Manuell, Manuell, Fokus, Fokus s im Fokus, Autofokus, Unschärfe, Unschärfen, Netz, Netze, Tiefe, Tiefen, Feld, Felder, Licht, Lichter, Schatten, Schatten, Schwarz, Schwarz, Weiß, Weiß, Schwarz und Weiß, Schwarz und Weiß, Monochrom, Monochrom, Farbe, Farben, Diffusor, Diffusoren, Beleuchtung, Beleuchtung, Lampe, Lampen, Glühbirne, Glühbirnen, Hintergrund, Geldmittel, Behandeln, Verarbeitung, Behandlungen, Entwickeln, Entwicklung, Entwicklungen, Retusche, Retusche, Photoshop, Lightroom, Pixelmator, Radiergummi, Radiergummis, Pinsel, Pinsel, Farbe, jpg, jpeg, heic, roh, psd, gif, png, Zusammensetzung, Zusammensetzungen, Fokus, Kontrast, Kontraste, Dichte, Dichten, Schicht, Schichten, Mischung, Mischungen, Filter, Filter, Effekt, Effekte, Ausschnitt, Ausschnitt, Ausschnitte, Vordergrund, Vordergründe, Rückseite, Rückseiten, Vorderseiten, Hintergrund, Hintergründe, Farbverlauf, Farbverläufe, Portfolio, Portfolios, Emotion, Emotionen, Sinn, Gefühl, Gefühle, Hintergrundbeleuchtung

Shooting CG Photography - Christian Gafenesch - Photographe artistique - Alsace, France - Shooting, Portraits, Street Photography

Prague / Czech republic

bench of intellectuals

Shooting CG Photography - Christian Gafenesch - Photographe artistique - Alsace, France - Shooting, Portraits, Street Photography

Krakow / Poland


Shooting CG Photography - Christian Gafenesch - Photographe artistique - Alsace, France - Shooting, Portraits, Street Photography

Vienna / Austria

Makeup - Part 1

Shooting CG Photography - Christian Gafenesch - Photographe artistique - Alsace, France - Shooting, Portraits, Street Photography

Colmar / Alsace

Makeup - Part 2

Shooting CG Photography - Christian Gafenesch - Photographe artistique - Alsace, France - Shooting, Portraits, Street Photography

Colmar / Alsace

Makeup - Part 3

Shooting CG Photography - Christian Gafenesch - Photographe artistique - Alsace, France - Shooting, Portraits, Street Photography

Colmar / Alsace

Hopes gone - PART 1

Shooting CG Photography - Christian Gafenesch - Photographe artistique - Alsace, France - Shooting, Portraits, Street Photography

In the City / Mulhouse

Hopes gone - PART 2

Shooting CG Photography - Christian Gafenesch - Photographe artistique - Alsace, France - Shooting, Portraits, Street Photography

In the City / Mulhouse

The maze

Shooting CG Photography - Christian Gafenesch - Photographe artistique - Alsace, France - Shooting, Portraits, Street Photography

Mont Saint Michel / Normandy

Hand games

Shooting CG Photography - Christian Gafenesch - Photographe artistique - Alsace, France - Shooting, Portraits, Street Photography

Private House / Bartenheim

Sunday morning

Shooting CG Photography - Christian Gafenesch - Photographe artistique - Alsace, France - Shooting, Portraits, Street Photography

Private House / Bartenheim

on your skin

Shooting CG Photography - Christian Gafenesch - Photographe artistique - Alsace, France - Shooting, Portraits, Street Photography

Private House / Bartenheim


Shooting CG Photography - Christian Gafenesch - Photographe artistique - Alsace, France - Shooting, Portraits, Street Photography

Arts route / Mulhouse

The train

Shooting CG Photography - Christian Gafenesch - Photographe artistique - Alsace, France - Shooting, Portraits, Street Photography

Car park / Mulhouse


Shooting CG Photography - Christian Gafenesch - Photographe artistique - Alsace, France - Shooting, Portraits, Street Photography

Car park / Mulhouse

Red Tiger Moth

Shooting CG Photography - Christian Gafenesch - Photographe artistique - Alsace, France - Shooting, Portraits, Street Photography

Langenthal-Bleienbach / Swiss


Shooting CG Photography - Christian Gafenesch - Photographe artistique - Alsace, France - Shooting, Portraits, Street Photography

Langenthal-Bleienbach / Swiss


Shooting CG Photography - Christian Gafenesch - Photographe artistique - Alsace, France - Shooting, Portraits, Street Photography

Ribeauvillé / Alsace


Shooting CG Photography - Christian Gafenesch - Photographe artistique - Alsace, France - Shooting, Portraits, Street Photography

Ribeauvillé / Alsace


Shooting CG Photography - Christian Gafenesch - Photographe artistique - Alsace, France - Shooting, Portraits, Street Photography

Ribeauvillé / Alsace


Shooting CG Photography - Christian Gafenesch - Photographe artistique - Alsace, France - Shooting, Portraits, Street Photography

In the City / Mulhouse


Shooting CG Photography - Christian Gafenesch - Photographe artistique - Alsace, France - Shooting, Portraits, Street Photography

In the City / Mulhouse


Shooting CG Photography - Christian Gafenesch - Photographe artistique - Alsace, France - Shooting, Portraits, Street Photography

In the City / Mulhouse

The House

Shooting CG Photography - Christian Gafenesch - Photographe artistique - Alsace, France - Shooting, Portraits, Street Photography

Mont Saint Michel / Normandy

flying lovers

Shooting CG Photography - Christian Gafenesch - Photographe artistique - Alsace, France - Shooting, Portraits, Street Photography

Mont Saint Michel / Normandy


Shooting CG Photography - Christian Gafenesch - Photographe artistique - Alsace, France - Shooting, Portraits, Street Photography

Mont Saint Michel / Normandy


Shooting CG Photography - Christian Gafenesch - Photographe artistique - Alsace, France - Shooting, Portraits, Street Photography

Island of Jersey / Britain

The girl from Prague

Shooting CG Photography - Christian Gafenesch - Photographe artistique - Alsace, France - Shooting, Portraits, Street Photography

Prague / Czech republic

When mosquito leaves

Shooting CG Photography - Christian Gafenesch - Photographe artistique - Alsace, France - Shooting, Portraits, Street Photography

Prague / Czech republic


Shooting CG Photography - Christian Gafenesch - Photographe artistique - Alsace, France - Shooting, Portraits, Street Photography

Fun car show / Illzach


Shooting CG Photography - Christian Gafenesch - Photographe artistique - Alsace, France - Shooting, Portraits, Street Photography

Fun car show / Illzach

On starting line

Shooting CG Photography - Christian Gafenesch - Photographe artistique - Alsace, France - Shooting, Portraits, Street Photography

Fun car show / Illzach


Shooting CG Photography - Christian Gafenesch - Photographe artistique - Alsace, France - Shooting, Portraits, Street Photography

Arts route / Mulhouse


Shooting CG Photography - Christian Gafenesch - Photographe artistique - Alsace, France - Shooting, Portraits, Street Photography

Arts route / Mulhouse


Shooting CG Photography - Christian Gafenesch - Photographe artistique - Alsace, France - Shooting, Portraits, Street Photography

Arts route / Mulhouse

few last miles

Shooting CG Photography - Christian Gafenesch - Photographe artistique - Alsace, France - Shooting, Portraits, Street Photography

The Mines / Bollwiller


Shooting CG Photography - Christian Gafenesch - Photographe artistique - Alsace, France - Shooting, Portraits, Street Photography

The Mines / Bollwiller

Arid lands

Shooting CG Photography - Christian Gafenesch - Photographe artistique - Alsace, France - Shooting, Portraits, Street Photography

The Mines / Bollwiller

Showcase - PART 1

Shooting CG Photography - Christian Gafenesch - Photographe artistique - Alsace, France - Shooting, Portraits, Street Photography

In the City / Mulhouse


Shooting CG Photography - Christian Gafenesch - Photographe artistique - Alsace, France - Shooting, Portraits, Street Photography

Private residence / Belfort

Showcase - PART 2

Shooting CG Photography - Christian Gafenesch - Photographe artistique - Alsace, France - Shooting, Portraits, Street Photography

In the City / Mulhouse


Shooting CG Photography - Christian Gafenesch - Photographe artistique - Alsace, France - Shooting, Portraits, Street Photography

Hartmann Manufacture / Munster


Shooting CG Photography - Christian Gafenesch - Photographe artistique - Alsace, France - Shooting, Portraits, Street Photography

Abbey Ruins / Munster


Shooting CG Photography - Christian Gafenesch - Photographe artistique - Alsace, France - Shooting, Portraits, Street Photography

Hartmann Manufacture / Munster

Where is reality ?

Shooting CG Photography - Christian Gafenesch - Photographe artistique - Alsace, France - Shooting, Portraits, Street Photography

Private residence / Belfort

missed date

Shooting CG Photography - Christian Gafenesch - Photographe artistique - Alsace, France - Shooting, Portraits, Street Photography

Private residence / Belfort


Shooting CG Photography - Christian Gafenesch - Photographe artistique - Alsace, France - Shooting, Portraits, Street Photography

In the City / Mulhouse

Silent thoughts

Shooting CG Photography - Christian Gafenesch - Photographe artistique - Alsace, France - Shooting, Portraits, Street Photography

Car park / Mulhouse

by the wind

Shooting CG Photography - Christian Gafenesch - Photographe artistique - Alsace, France - Shooting, Portraits, Street Photography

Car park / Mulhouse

New species

Shooting CG Photography - Christian Gafenesch - Photographe artistique - Alsace, France - Shooting, Portraits, Street Photography

Car park / Mulhouse

Shooting CG Photography - Christian Gafenesch - Photographe artistique - Alsace, France - Shooting, Portraits, Street Photography
Shooting CG Photography - Christian Gafenesch - Photographe artistique - Alsace, France - Shooting, Portraits, Street Photography